Excerpts from
Practical Methods for Self-Development Spiritual, Mental, Physical by Elizabeth Towne ![]() Order in Adobe PDF eBook form for $4.95 Click here to order from Amazon.com Book Description
This book contains much useful information on how to live a healthy, prosperous life. The author gives advice on how to maintain youth and vigor and shares her own health-promoting mental and physical exercises, giving special emphasis to the importance of deep breathing. Contents include: The Rising Tide and the House of Sand; To Decide Quickly and Well; Expansion; Realization in Detail; To Free Your Soul; To Grow Spiritual Consciousness; Thought, Breath and Exercise; Points on Breath; Breathing Exercises; How to Treat Bugs and People; Jack Spratt's Wife; To Heal Asthma, Etc.; When Sins Come A-Visiting; To Command Yourself; and Physical Culture. Chapter
1 The
Rising Tide and the House of Sand People
wonder why they fail to make quick progress in the New Thought;
why they
cannot "overcome" at a more rapid rate. It is for lack of
consecration that they fail. Consecration is concentration, and one's
in anything is governed by the degree of concentration, or
consecration, he
brings to bear. The half-hearted man attains success in nothing. The
man who
lives mental science at stated hours and lapses between times back to
ways of living is no more "saved" than is the "Sunday
Christian," who robs and oppresses his fellow creatures the remaining
days of the week. Life is
full of tips and downs, with more downs than ups until the individual
experienced enough to give him an absorbing passion for living right.
"lord his God" is a jealous God who brooks no dividing of his love.
Until he is ready to leave houses, lands, father, mother, wife,
children and
even his own ways of doing and thinking "the lord his God" can do
little toward "saving" him. Why,
dearie, it is his houses, lands, father, mother, children, wives and
ways that
he needs to be saved from. And his "lord God," the highest of
himself, cannot save him until he is ready to be saved. The
trouble with us is that we want to be saved in our mistakes,
not from
them. We want the unseen powers, the Law of Attraction, or
God, to work our
way. We are not willing at all to give up our way and make a
business, nay,
make it the passion of our lives to understand the Law and live it. Well, the
time will come to every soul when to know the Law and live it will be
absorbing passion. In the meantime he is free to go in and out and find
where he pleases. In one thing only is he not free; if he goes out of
the Law
for his pasture he must feed on stubble arid stones. And no amount of
and wailing, agitation or supplication will transform his stubble and
into joy and health-giving food. And it is
funny how blind we can be until we get our eyes open. We deliberately
ignorantly choose to go out of the Law for our pasture and then, when
we find
stubble and stones, we lift up our voices and declare there
is something wrong with the
Law—"it won't work in my case"—"there are persons who can't be
healed"—et cetera. When a cow jumps a fence she has good sense enough
get into better pasture, but a human being "can't see" why he can't
jump any old fence and find better pasture. So he goes in and out—over
fence—and finds pasture more or less to his liking. Until
finally he gets his eyes open and borns an instinct for the right side
of the
fence. To be
happy, healthy, wealthy and wise a man must live according to the Law
of his
being, which is the Law of all beings and the universe at large. He is
free to
live according to the Law, or contrary to it, but he is not free to
contrary to the Law and yet reap happiness, health, wealth, wisdom,
lands, wives, mothers, fathers, children, "his own way," ten fold more
in this present life, and in the time to come life everlasting. If you
can't get your way, if you have not the houses, lands and relations you
like, it is not a sign the Law is out of joint. It is only a sign you
are on
the wrong side of the fence. You are not living according to the Law of
being. Every
little unpleasant experience, every little curling of your solar
plexus, is a
shouting sign-board that says "GET OUT OF THE STUBBLE AND STONE
FIELDS!" The farther you get away from the Law of your being the larger
grow the signs—the harder the experiences and stony feelings. Read and
heed the signs, "Back again to the way!" What is
the Law of being? Why, dearie, it is just Love. "God is Love."
The lord thy God is love. "God" is diminutive for
"Good"—just as "Will" is diminutive of "William."
The lord thy good is love. Love is good. Good is love. Love is the only
Love is that which, when expressed, draws all good things to it.
(Sounds like
Mary Baker Eddy, doesn't it? But it is good sense just the same. Read
carefully—absorb it, and it will illuminate you.) The Law of
your being is LOVE. If you
want to be happy, healthy, wealthy and wise, clear down to the littlest
you must live Love clear down to the littlest things. To love one
devotedly is not enough. To love a dozen is not enough. To love a
person and
yet live in faultfinding with him is not enough. To love the whole
world so
you would give your body to be burned for it, and yet live condemning
it and
exhorting it, is not enough. To live
love is to see no evil to condemn. "Oh,
but," you exclaim, "evils are facts. How can I help
seeing them? It
is a fact that my boy is wayward and my husband neglects me and I have
money enough to do with and my neighbor tells lies about me. How can I help
it all?" Bless your
dear, anxious heart, what are facts? Nothing
but children's sand forts on the beach, that the incoming tide levels
again—ready for more forts and children. Facts are killing things; they
"the letter" that maketh not alive. Don't be a Gradgrind nor the son
of a Gradgrind and you will not have such "Hard Times." If your son
or husband or neighbor makes a crooked fort on the sands of time, what
of it?
Is there any reason for you to neglect your sand houses whilst you
wring your
hands over his? Remember
the rising tide, which
will sweep all your forts, your "facts," to a common level and
give you an opportunity to build better. The universal Love-tide is
rising, and you may safely trust it to sweep clear and clean everything
does not deserve immortality. And after your neighbor and husband and
son and
you have built enough sand houses; and lost them by the rising
Love-tide; you
will have learned better how to build, and where; and you will go away
up and
build on the rock. Don't let
"facts" get between you and the TRUTH. The fact of today is not the
fact of tomorrow. It is a "fact" that blood circulates in the
human body. Tomorrow or next day the fact may he that electric fluid
circulates, instead of blood. Less than one hundred years ago it was an
accepted "fact" that blood was stationary in the veins. So the doctor
bled his patient carefully on both sides to keep the blood even! Don't
exaggerate the importance of "facts." Remember
the rising Lone-tide
the universe and trust it to wash out all mistakes. I would say trust
it to
wash out all "evil," only there isn't any evil to wash out. The
nearest approach to any "evil" is this habit of exaggerating
"facts" until they get between you and the truth of your being, and
your husband's and son's and neighbor's being. You can hug a "fact"
until it will shut out the entire universe; just as a dime held close
to the
eye will obscure the sun. And if you persist in hugging "facts" so
you will not see where you are, and the rising Love-tide may sweep you
to a
level with the sand house "facts." Thus is the Pharisee rewarded. Tend to
your own sand houses. And when
the Love-tide rises over your building, never mind. Just get ready and
again. It is
building, and building again, that draws out the wisdom which is trying
shine through you. The mere possession of the thing after you have
finished it
is nothing at all. No, it might even be a millstone around your neck,
or a
"fact" in your eye. Just
rejoice when the Love-tide sweeps things away, rejoice and go on
building. Go on
waking up and utilizing the new ideas gained from working on that last
house. Become as a little child—dance around and shout for glee as the
tide licks up your sand house and makes everything smooth for a better
one and
more fun. The
universal Love-tide is rising in every human soul—rising, rising,
cleaning, making ready the soul for wiser building. Your business is to trust the
in others; affirm it when you cannot see or feel it; be still and know
it is working there just the same; and turn your efforts upon your own
work, to
the end that the Love-tide be not hindered in you. The
Love-tide rises through the sun center or solar plexus of you, and
flows out
into all your body, and still outward through your aura or atmosphere
where it
touches that which rises through other people. You can do
much to obstruct the rising—for a time—by simply withholding love. Your
plexus can be puckered up or let out. When it is let oat love flows
unrestrained, you "feel good" and everybody who touches you
"feels good." "Virtue hath gone out" of you—the rising
Love-tide swells through you and sings and murmurs love-words in you. But when
you pucker your solar plexus ever so little you restrain the rising
tide, which
keeps pressing to come through. This contraction on your part, and
pressure on
the part of the Love-tide, makes you "feel bad." You are oppressed
with the blues, and all sorts of emotional storms and electric
displays are
the consequence, proportionate in intensity to the degree of puckering
make. We speak of "oppressive weather" and then there is a thunder
storm to clear it. Our personal atmosphere is subject to the same laws.
angry fit and then a "good cry" does for us what a thunder storm does
for the earth's atmosphere—it breaks up the puckering and gives free
again to that rising Love-tide. It is
THOUGHT which holds the solar plexus puckering string. It is THOUGHT
draws it tight and makes you "feel bad." It is THOUGHT which lets out
the draw string, admits the rising Love-tide and makes you "feel
good." Let-go-thoughts release the puckers
and free
the solar center to its normal, happy shining. Resistance-thoughts
puckering, puckering—until it takes a thunder storm to make you let go. If you
think a thing is good you automatically let go and let your Love-tide
flow—outward through all your nerves, on out through your aura to all
the world.
The reason for this is that you are good, clear through from center to
circumference, and when you recognize another good person or thing you
recognize your affinity and you just naturally shine—you let love flow
unobstructed. But you
hate and are more or less afraid of all which is not good. Consequently
you recognize any person or thing as not good you automatically
pucker. You
can't help it and never can—any more than you can live and not breathe. To
recognize a good thing frees you; to recognize a bad thing puckers you.
your feelings match to a hair's breadth. It takes
more than one evil recognized to pucker you to the verge of a thunder
Our thoughts in us are just like people in the world. A few people in
the world
have immense power to influence; a few thoughts that come to us have
power to influence us. A thought of fear has puckered a man until he
outright. Another thought of great good has opened so suddenly the
of love that the man couldn't bear the joy, and died. But the
great mass of our thoughts are like the great masses of people; it
takes a lot
of them, a mob, or a caucus, or the whole lot at the polls—to make any
perceptible impression. The most
of our emotional storms and bad feelings come from piling on, one after
another, a great mass of these common every-day thoughts. Each one
makes such a
little pucker that we don't notice it; but after a whole mob of these
thoughts have collected we feel a very decided and ugly pucker right in
"pit of the stomach," back of which lies the solar plexus and all the
puckerings; we "feel depressed" or "bad," or
"blue," or our "heart sinks." Then if just a few more
unpleasant thoughts come and do each his little puckering, there is a
emotional storm—thunder, lightning and showers. Then we "feel
better"—because we let go—had to—puckered so hard, with the Universal
Love-tide pressing harder, that we couldn't stand it any longer. Recognition
of not-good puckers the solar plexus and we "feel bad." Recognition
of good lets out the puckers and we "feel better." From this
you will see that if we want always to "feel good" we must recognize
only good. You will never "feel good" and be a good mental scientist
until you have swallowed and digested this idea: "EACH thing in its
place is "best" Until you can bring all the happenings and people
of your every-day life into this thought, and until you know that "each
thing" is in its place, you will be more or less of a not-good
and your feelings will match. There is
no use in my trying to reason you into knowing that "each thing in its
place is best" and each thing is in its place. Tomes have been written
upon this subject, and tomes more might still be written, and still you
neither understand nor apply the truth. One man's reasons are not the
of another man's reason. And yet
the whole world recognizes that reason needs enlightenment. That
must come from the Universal Spirit witnessing with the individual
spirit that
any given proposition is true. Take those statements, "each thing in
place is best," and "each thing is in its place,"—take them into
your consciousness and live with them. Hold them up before your mental
eyes and
wait patiently for the Spirit to illuminate your understanding. Set
them up as
King-thoughts within you, and let them rule until all your being, every
cell and atom, is converted and cries out in spirit, "Yes! I
see, I
see— each thing is in its place and is best!" Just "hold the
thought" and wait patiently until its spirit illumines you. Those
are spirit and they are life. LET them witness with your spirit
and bring
you to life. This is spiritual digestion. Be
still and know. This is
the only way to arrive at the stage of all-good recognition and
feeling. The
uneducated eye sees masses and misses details. It sees a mob as a mob,
not as a
collection of individuals. It sees a man as a two-legged creature;
not as a
collection of separate and distinct motives and purposes acting
more or less
in concert. So the person whose mental eye is not educated sees his
only as they gather in mobs. His individual thoughts and attendant
entirely escape his notice. Ho
know that there is almost a continuous stream of unpleasant
passing through his mind, each giving a little pucker to his solar
plexus. He has
not noticed his thoughts as they passed. Only after each has made his
pucker until there has aggregated a great big pucker at his solar
plexus does
he notice that there is anything wrong. Until we
have arrived at a certain stage of development we live in a pucker
and never
know it. But we wonder
why we don't feel good and why we don't
enjoy life. Do you
know that little feeling at the solar plexus is our highest conscience
and an
infallible guide to all good? It is the "Urim and Thummim" of
intuition, the enlightener of reason and all objective life. A little
pucker means think the opposite thing. A big pucker means you
have been
thinking a lot of mistakes until a whole mob has gathered. Sometimes
a mob can be dispersed quickly, as when there is a thunder storm, but
it slowly disperses, one pucker at a time, as you deny the thought
that made
the pucker. As long as you affirm the thought the pucker stays. Remember, it
is always unpleasant thoughts that pucker. Now there is nothing in
all this
beautiful world which is essentially unpleasant. It is the
individual's point
of view which makes him say one thing is pleasant and another is
The point of view is always in himself. For instance, a reeking compost
heap is
a pleasant sight to a good farmer, hut a city dandy steps gingerly past
it with
tilted nose and curling lip. The farmer sees latent possibilities and
out a pucker. The dandy sees only a reeking fact and curls his solar
plexus a
little tighter. Everything
and everybody has two points of view, the real and the ideal. We can
see the
real only, and either expand or pucker ourselves over it, according to
we want or don't want it at this particular time and place, or we can
see the
person or thing as a potentiality of beauties yet to manifest, and thus
find in
it cause for expansion,, rejoicing—cause for loving. If we
cannot always feel with the potential side of him, we can at least try
to feel
with it. And we can always affirm it. And every
one of these little affirmations lets out a pucker in our solar plexus.
We have
only to repeat the affirmation times enough to let them all out and
stand forth
free, a veritable glowing sun of love, a joy to ourselves and to all
others. It takes a
tremendous pucker and a thunder storm to turn the heedless or ignorant
one from
the error of his way. And then he is
only turned for the moment. Back he goes on to the
same old track. But he
learns. And when once his attention is turned in the right direction,
when he
lets all the puckers out and sets himself to "walk softly" and guard
against even a tiny new one—when once he realizes the joy of free
loving of all
things and people—it becomes the passion of his life to keep his light
It becomes the passion of his life to consult and obey the
"Urim and Thummim"
oracles of good in his own solar plexus—soul-ar center. Where it once
whole mobs of unpleasant thoughts and consequent puckers to call
his attention
to the mistakes of his thinking, it now takes but one little false
thought to
make pucker enough to call him back to the way of right thinking. He is
learning to "walk softly" before his God, and take notice of little
things, of details, instead of tearing heedlessly along until little
aggregate in some great "evil" of depression or emotional storm. This is
refinement. It is true sensitiveness to the spirit within. The new
sensitiveness leads to absolute freedom from puckers, because it is
sensitiveness on the God side of us. The old sensitiveness led to
and multiplied puckers, because it was on the outside of us and made us
and curl back upon ourselves. Keep
letting go, letting go, and affirming Good, until you get every last
pucker out
of your solar plexus. Then you
will be sensitive to its intuitions. "Walk softly" and you will
detect and deny every mistaken thought as it presents itself, and thus
wilt you
live always in soul-shine and joy—instead of puckers. And gradually
these old
mistaken race beliefs of evil will disappear from you and all your
environment. It is the
only way. Eternal consecration to good is the price of freedom and joy
and life
abundant and eternal. Pucker not
over thine own or another's houses of sand, but remember the rising
Let it into thine own soul-ar center. Be still
and know the I AM-GOOD in everything. Is your
solar plexus curled up and you don't know why? Never mind trying to
find the
particular mistaken thoughts that made the puckers. Just set to work
and loosen
the puckers. Perhaps there is someone who is particularly trying to
you, or
some work particularly distasteful. You may safely guess it is the
you've boon thinking about them that have shriveled you so. Now call
them up
before you and remember their good points. Enumerate them to yourself,
one by
one. Hunt for them—even if you have to use a microscope to find them.
Then lump
them all together in your thought and say, "You are good—you
love you. I LOVE you. I LOVE YOU!" Say it hard, and
say it
over and over. Do this at night and go to sleep on it. You will be
amazed at
the good will you will feel toward those people and things in the
morning. You
will wonder how you ever managed to see so many faults in them
yesterday, and
you will feel as kind and loving as can be. Furthermore, you will find
all your
work go along as smoothly as can be. All because your sun is shining. After you
have gone to sleep this way a few nights you will find it become easier
easier to do, and all your work and daily relations will be easier and
Not only your soul-light will shine, but everybody's else will begin to
out, from sympathy. Your solar
plexus is probably stiff to begin with, like any long-contracted
muscle. That
is why you can't loose all the puckers with a word, but must repeat
statements over and over, with vigor, and then go to sleep into the
before you can feel the soul center expand. But as you keep practicing
you will
find your solar plexus respond more and more readily, until you can let
out the
puckers almost with a word and two or three slow, full breaths. And always
remember that an ounce of prevention is worth whole pounds of cure. Be
and puckers won't come. Walk softly. Handle things gently,
lovingly. Try to
feel with them. Remember that all eternity is before you. There's
plenty of
time. There's
the Love-tide, rising, rising. Let it
rise. Chapter
2 To
Decide Quickly and Well "I
want to be able to decide quickly, feeling the
decision to be right, and not regretting same later." L. B. The habit
of indecision is due to the habit of conscious interference with the
of the sub-conscious self. Indecision is peculiar to the very
person, or rather, to the person who is passing through the
stage of development, whose sole reliance is placed upon the
visible and
conscious world. When he says "I" he thinks only of that which is
contained "between his hat and his shoes," but principally of that
which lies directly under his hat. He thinks his judgment is about all
there is
to him. So he tries to weigh every little thing as well as every great
and to decide which is right. And finds himself oftener wrong than
right; which
adds to the difficulty of the nest decision. If you
pass him the fruit he simply can't decide which "will be best for
him." And eventually he can't even tell which he prefers! If it is a
question of what to wear he is in a worse dilemma. There are so many "ifs"
be weighed in each balance before the decision can be made. Shall he go
town now, or wait until later? It is "later" before his decision is
made. Then it is still later before he can decide whether, or not, to
take an
umbrella. Such a man
wears his nerves to tatters trying to decide the trivial things in
life; when
it comes to matters of real importance he simply can't decide. Somebody
must do
it for him. He is so weighed down with remembrance of the trivial
things he decided
wrong that he dares not decide this important matter. And this
man is always one of the intelligent and good men who can do things,
who have
no bad habits and who are anxious always to do right. They are so
anxious that
they overdo the thing. For every time the ordinary "sinner" falls
short of the mark of exact righteousness this good and anxious man
the mark twice! Note the
opposite of the painstaking, conscientious fellow —the happy-go-lucky,
"animal" man. This man bears a charmed—and charming—life. Everybody
is attracted to him, for he has no cares and is consequently always
ready with
a jolly. The world loves a jolly—it greases the wheels of progress in
any and
all directions. The world passes the "animal" man the fruit dish and
it never fazes him. Whilst the other man's face puckers into an anxious
in the attempt to decide whether an apple or a pear would disagree
least with
his internal economy, the "animal" man takes 'em both!—and flings you
back a quip that makes the world wish it had more to offer. The first
man is lean and anxious; and he expects nothing less than that the
"animal" man will be blasted for his reckless disregard of
"nature's laws," etc. Not so; the
"animal" man is fat and prosperous, with a heart at leisure to
his way through life. And maybe through death too—who knows? A little
self-consciousness is a dangerous thing. That is the trouble with the
man who
spends his life trying to decide—and regretting his decisions
afterward. The
"animal" man is not self-conscious at all. He lets his appetites
decide for him, and his mind and heart are free for the enjoyment of
all that
comes. He is a typical Adam in the garden of Eden, and to save your
life you
can't help admiring and loving the strength and readiness and
sunshiness of
him, no matter how much, you may disapprove of some of his acts.
Your heart
naturally warm? to him, as your body does to the sun; for he is alive
with the
Love of Life. The man of
indecisions is more "advanced" than the animal man; he has been
driven by his developing intelligence from the garden of Eden, and is
in the Wilderness trying to "decide" what is "good" and
what is "bad." By and by
his self-consciousness will grow up and he will find he has traveled in
circle and come back to the garden of Eden. A little
self-consciousness.— All a
man's brains are not contained in his hat. All a man's power of
judgment and
decision is not in his skull. There are brains distributed all over his
body—far more brain, in bulk, than can be found in his head. Not only
this, but
every cell of his body has a brain of its own. The body is all brain.
Not a
portion of it but knows how to weigh and judge whatever facts are
related to
it. It is the province of the digestive organs not only to take care of
food given it, but to decide what food is best. The "animal" man's
conscious mind—the brain under his hat—has nothing to do with his
decision to
take both apple and pear. His digestive brain makes the decision,
to himself—to his conscious mind. The
Wilderness man interferes with the action of at least ninety-five
percent of
his brains, which are in his body. He tries with his little five
percent conscious
mind to boss his whole life and all its decisions. No wonder he is dead
mentally. No wonder he can't "let go." No wonder he develops nervous
prostration. The
"animal" man lets each function of his body use its own brains and
make its own decision, whilst his five percent conscious mind, and all
body, enjoys the results. He does all this without thinking about it.
"Thinking" is done by the five per cent conscious mind. The fully
developed man will do just as the "animal" man does; except that he
will know what he is doing, and why. Now I have
talked about the body because every man who is afflicted as L. B. is,
is a
materialist and wants something tangible to pin his faith to. But I
want to
impress it upon every reader that the brains of your head and body are
but the
smallest part of the brains you have to depend upon. About you
is an aura which contains still finer brains and nerves than any in
your head
or body. And
outside your aura are the still finer brains and nerves commonly called
"God," which are yours for the asking. Or, rather, they are yours for
the trusting. Through
these highest and finest brains and nerves you are connected with every
human being. The man who leaves his higher decisions to the God-brains
of us
will be "led aright." It is not necessary for you to decide to go see
a certain man today, only to find him gone, or out of humor for your
proposition. The God-brain of you knows where the man is, and what his
The God-brain impresses you to go or stay. Unless you have accustomed
little five percent conscious mind to interfere with the God-mind
you will know instantly, and without thinking, just what to do.
call this being "led by the Spirit." I want you to know that it is a
real thing, to be depended upon in the tiniest and most trivial affairs
life, as well as in the most important. This God-mind of you is the
God-mind of
me, and of every other being; and it is the particular part of our
selves which knows what to do, and when, and how, in all those things
in which
are involved people or things outside our physical bodies. There are
brains to take care of each and all functions within the body—brains of
workings we are not conscious and with whose decisions it is most
foolish to
interfere. Around our
bodies are the aural brains which, all unconsciously to us (i. e., our
five percent
conscious selves) weigh and judge of matters which come within range of
senses of sight, smell and hearing, but not in range of touch or taste. And over
all is the Universal Mind in which we live and move and by which we
exist, and
which is intelligent enough and loving enough and big enough to lead us
right, each for his own-best good, and for the good of all others. Now all
these different departments of mind (or brains), focalize at that
little five
per cent conscious brain of you, which has the power of interfering
with and
upsetting the workings of these other and larger brains of your being. All these
other departments of you have but one way of speaking to your conscious
they impress it to do thus, or so. The man who follows his
impressions, as
does the "animal" man, is led aright. The fully developed man will
follow his impressions and his life will run on well oiled tracks. To every
human being his sub-conscious and super-conscious minds send the right
impressions. The fault lies in the little conscious five per cent mind,
gets too busy to receive the impressions. To be
still mentally is the key to the whole thing. To be
still physically is the greatest aid to mental stillness; hence the
value of
relaxation and silence hours. "Be still and know the I Am-God," is a
scientific injunction, and must be heeded by him who would receive
impressions on any line. Besides
this, the man of indecision must practice decision on the little things
life. When the fruit is passed he must take one before he has time to
Then he must stick to it that his sub-conscious self made the right
No matter what the results he must not allow himself to question that
not even if he has to stamp his foot and shout, "It was right—it
was!"—in order to scatter the doubts. After which he should run quick
get interested in something else. This is
the course he should religiously pursue until he sets the habit of
decision—of deciding without thinking (thinking, mind you, is the
little dinkey
business of that impotent five percent of you), and trusting his
impressions as
correct. Oh, at
first he will seem to make mistakes; but after a few months' practice
he will
find "mistakes" far fewer. Eventually there will be none. And, oh,
the relief to that poor little burdened five percent self! Be still
and know. Order complete book in Adobe PDF eBook form for $4.95
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